Monday, January 22, 2007


The last ten months have been ones of enormous growth and change for me. It all began with a chance viewing of What the Bleep. After seeing that movie, nothing seemed the same. I began exploring various topics, including metaphysics, quantum physics, and a whole host of what my good friend would call "California" things like tarot, spirit guides, intuitive readings, and auras.

During a recent two-week vacation, I spent the majority of my time reading books by Deepak Chopra, James Redfield, and the Dalai Lama. I watched
The Secret many times. And one of the ideas that has stood out in sharp relief is practicing gratitude.

One of my favorite sayings, one which I heard from Dr. John F. Demartini in The Secret
, is this:

"Whatever you think about, and thank about, you bring about."

I have discovered that gratitude does a couple of things. First, it helps me appreciate all the amazing things happening in my life right now, which in turn helps me be more present. I first began this exercise after reading Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now, and I made it an even bigger priority after watching The Secret. When I sit down and list the things I'm grateful for, I realize that I have no reason for complaint. I stop striving for some future point "when everything will be perfect," and I embrace what is in front of me at that precise moment.

Second, it brings more of those amazing things into my life. That's the beauty of it. If the universe knows I appreciate those things, it will bring me more of them.

This brings me to the intent of this post: to list what I am grateful for.

  1. Amazing, supportive, friends and family.
  2. A husband who stands behind me and encourages me to grow.
  3. A therapist who showed me the blueprints of this life I'm building.
  4. A snuggly, furry, fat kitty cat.
  5. Warm mugs of peppermint tea.
  6. Owning my first home and being able to paint the inside any color I want!
  7. Meeting new friends by serendipity.
  8. A new car that gets me where I need to go without guzzling too much gas.
  9. Living in one of the most amazing parts of the world.
  10. Being able to drive to the redwoods any time I want.
  11. Being near the ocean.
  12. Having my own business.
  13. A full roster of hard-working students.
  14. The Artist's Way
  15. Deepak Chopra, Paulo Coelho, Dan Millman, Anne Lamott, Cheri Huber, GahlSasson
  16. Ask and It Is Given and Esther and Jerry Hicks
  17. Succulents and this nursery
  18. The Weepies, AniDifranco, Tori Amos, The Decembrists, The Gipsy Kings, Fiona Apple, Imogen Heap, Neko Case...the list of musicians I am grateful for is enormously long.
  19. The Secret
  20. What the Bleep
  21. Having friends who live nearby.
  22. Sunset, The Sun, Bitch, BUST, What is Enlightenment?, and National Geographic
  23. the Canon Rebel
  24. L'Amyx
  25. my computer
  26. blooming magnolia trees
  27. long hikes with friends
  28. my new watercolor set
  29. classical music
  30. acupuncture

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is a list we all need to make. Love the new blog idea!