Sunday, January 28, 2007


I used to think that I would always have more male friends than female friends. In high school, one of my best friends was male. Same with in college. I could always confide in them, and there was never any worry about competitiveness or backstabbing, something I had issues with all through school. I never even had a fight with any of my male friends. Sure, I've had some great female friends over the years, but it was never quite the same.

I especially thought I would never have a large group of women friends that I could rely on. I would read books like The Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood and wonder why I'd never become part of such a group. So many of my female friends were from different areas of my life and they were never together all at once. I fantasized about have a connected tribe that I could fall back on.

Then I started blogging and I met some really wonderful women. Once I met them in person, I was officially converted to the world of female friends. And now I spend a lot of time with women and I love it.

On Friday, I saw Susan, whom I've known for nine years. She is one of the women I absolutely laugh my ass off with. She appreciates my love for Will Ferrell movies and the nostalgia I have for old 80s cartoons. We had so much fun I stayed out until 2 a.m., something I haven't done in a long time.

Then yesterday I played in Berkeley with Ann and Kelly. Over breakfast and a trip to the East Bay Depot, we bonded. I love bringing friends together. What could be better than friends that get along with other friends? It's like exponential goodness.

After my whirlwind weekend of girlfriend time, I realized that there is no reason at all that I should ever be afraid of girlfriends again. Maybe it just took meeting the right women to make me realize that these kinds of friendships are something special.

1 comment:

Swirly said...

Finding your soulmates takes time...I am still figuring out who mine are. I think it is a lifelong process.