Saturday, February 10, 2007


I used to associate affirmations only with Stuart Smalley. I thought saying, "I'm good enough, smart enough, and doggone it, people like me" into a mirror was total nonsense that was only good for a laugh.

So, when I started The Artist's Way and I read that Julia Cameron wanted me to create affirmations, I was hesitant. I know it's really similar to manifesting and intention, words that sound a lot less foufy and more appealing to me, so I tried thinking of it in that context. It helped.

Now I write affirmations every day in my morning pages. Here's a sample:
"We have more than enough," "It is okay to disappoint people" (this one is for my recovering perfectionist), "I have everything I need right now," and "I can create anything I want in my life."

Boy, that last one is powerful. I get chills running through my body every time I even so much as think it. Meditating has been like that for me lately too...lots of yummy chills from the exciting possibilities that I conjure in my mind. How did I ever get through life without this?

I've started using this with my students too. I ask them to start thinking things like, "I'm going to ROCK on this test" rather than the negative and harmful thoughts so many of them think before going into a test. It seems to be working. I've even convinced one of my students to try meditating to gain motivation and lessen anxiety. She's the most improved student I have.

If only I had found this path earlier...but I know that I am going to create amazing things from here on out.


Anonymous said...

"I can create anything I want in my life." Such a simple statement that carries SO MUCH POWER. (You'd think we'd all go around saying it all the live-long day every day, wouldn't you?) :) You know about "The Secret" DVD, don't you? (A book now, too.) My mother sent it to us when it first came out--I had no idea what it was when I opened it. It's been fabulous to watch it really take off, because it lets me know that people are really OPEN to the idea of embracing possibility. And given everything that's been going on in the world the last few years, that's encouraging. I, too, just upgraded recently to a Pro Flickr account and found myself wondering what the heck I'd been waiting for! :)

Courageous Kat said...

I LOVE THE SECRET. I found it right as I ended my last blog and my life has literally transformed since watching it.