Sunday, February 4, 2007

Creating Wonderful Experiences

In order to get myself out of the house more with my camera, I've started a photography group.

I gathered together women I know who are interested in photography and we had our first meeting yesterday. It is a great group, a mix of younger and older women and a variety of abilities and interests. We planned four outings for the year to a nice range of places: San Francisco, Muir Woods, Point Reyes, and Napa Valley. We all celebrated how lucky we are to live in a state (and a region) that offers so many amazing photo opportunities.

After the women left, I felt full. And I stood back in amazement that I had created this wonderful experience. The best is yet to come! I can't wait for our first outing in a month.

There were so many times in my life when I thought I should wait for a friend to call or wait for an opportunity to come to me. But something has shifted in me this year, and I know I can't sit on my hands and wait for things to appear at my door. I have to make them happen. Yesterday was a perfect example, and Art Day is another. I have no idea what it was in my brain that blocked me from creating these kinds of things for myself, but I am grateful that block is gone now.

1 comment:

Swirly said...

Rock on! I love that you created this group!